Posted by : RunnerBecky
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
I logged over 200 miles in 2012. 197 of them were documented using Daily Mile , which I love using! The other miles that weren't logged would have been runs in the dead of summer where my times were just too slow to document or runs at the first of last year, only 6 weeks postpartum when I was trying to just run 10 minutes without stopping. I am a bit prideful and refused to log what I would consider "bad runs."
After spending most of 2011 sick and pregnant, I was ready to log miles in 2012. My sister and I began training for a half marathon when I was 6 weeks postpartum and after not running in 9 months I was surprised at how quickly I was able to build up my endurance.
My sister and I ran in
The Leprechaun Leap a 5K in mid March to get is excited about our half marathon coming the month after.
Coming in at 27:41 ---3 months postpartum |
The Gulf Coast Half Marathon in Pensacola was second first race of the year and ended with a half marathon PR!
Me and my sister after The Gulf Coast Half Marathon |
Trucking along around mile 5
After moving to the Panhandle after my husband graduated seminary, we decided to train for the local 4th of July Best Blast on the Beach 5K. Our training included 3 morning runs a week taking turns pushing our then 6 month old in the jogging stroller. FL in the dead of summer is miserably humid, even at 7AM. I finished in 27:16.
The finish of our 5K |
We moved to Mississippi in mid-September and I signed up for the
Turkey Trot 8K on the campus of Mississippi State University in Starkville. I finished 3rd overall for the females and was so excited to have finally placed in a race!
3rd place finish overall in the 8K with a time of 40:55 |
2012 began in Orlando, hopped to PSJ for a few months, and landed me in Mississippi! I am thankful for the races and places I have been able to run this year. It has been a great one and I am excited to see what running adventures 2013 holds!