Roy and I ran a 5K in Mexico Beach on 4th of July weekend (see below). The run got me super excited about continuing to run and to potentially train for another race... so it's official! We are going to train for a half-marathon!!! It is a bold decision, but it is something we would really like to do. Since we have moved to the Orlando area, we have found a number of amazing biking and running trails and have even mapped out a 6.2 mile loop around our apartment. We are excited to pick out a half-marathon and get to training! We want to hold ourselves accountable by having a blog to keep you all updated EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!
Here is a picture of one of the trails in Seminole County. There are a NUMBER of amazing trails in the Orlando area, but this particular one is 9.8 miles long. Roy has a bike, but once I get a job, I think I'm going to celebrate by purchasing a bike so we can ride the trails.