Posted by : RunnerBecky Friday, August 2, 2013

Hey friends. Thanks for allowing me a much needed vacay from blogging. Yesterday was the first time I even logged in in over a month. Blogging was becoming a chore and I definitely don't ever want to feel like I HAVE to blog. I don't. I just enjoy it. I'll blog when I have something "blog worthy" to share and I'll let a few days pass if I need to as well.

So here I am. 19 weeks pregnant today and GROWING. 

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of baby:  Sweet baby is the size of a mango
Total Weight Gain: I am up a whopping 13 lbs. How???
Gender: We find out on the 12th
Movement: Feeling little flutters throughout the day. 
Sleep:  All of the time! I sleep at least 10 hours a night and some days can barely keep my eyes open.
What I miss: Fitting comfortably into my clothing. Feeling 100% when exercising
Cravings: Sweets! Trying so hard to practice self control.
Symptoms: I am feeling so much better now that the first trimester has passed. I still have moments of nausea, headaches, back aches during the night, etc.
Best Moment this week: Feeling well enough to exercise :)

Exercising while pregnant is new to me. I didn't do it with my first pregnancy. I tried and fainted at the Zumba Instructor Convention at 16 weeks. That really gave me a scare and after a day of being in the ER I decided to take it easy for the rest of my pregnancy. Honestly, I felt horrible anyway. My hubs would always try to at least get me to go for a walk, but I just wasn't ever up for it.
 I gained about 38 lbs. and know HOW HARD it is to lose it. I started half marathon training (my second half) 6 weeks postpartum and day one of training couldn't even run a mile. It was a huge wake up call after 9 months of being sedentary. I don't want that this time around. 

Completing a half marathon just 4 short months after giving birth 
This pregnancy I am well aware of the journey ahead postpartum and I am trying to make it as pleasant as possible. Right now I am going to Zumba 3 days week. It is a lot more challenging being pregnant. My core muscles are shot which throws off my balance. I get light headed a bit so I really have to monitor my heart rate. I get winded easily and get pelvic pain here and there, especially when we have to raise our legs up or jump, two things I try to modify during class if I need to.
Hello! This is coming from the girl who taught 5 Zumba classes a week at 110% and managed to log 10-15 miles of running on top of that. I was in pretty good cardiovascular shape, but Pregnant Becky is a different lady I am afraid and I need to be OK with that. It is a huge shot to my pride to be struggling during workouts that used to be routine, but I know I am doing this for me! It makes me feel good. Hopefully I'll gain a healthy amount of weight and be able to shed it fast. I want to be strong and have endurance as I begin a new journey of juggling 2 kids. 
Choosing to be active this time has been great. There are some days I am just not up for it, but I make myself go anyway and I never regret it. It helps me sleep like a champ too :) Eating has been challenging. I have to constantly snack to ward off nausea. My sweet tooth has gotten out of control and I am working to keep that in check. Sometimes I have to give in and others I can just pass. 
Keep checking back in on my pregnancy fitness journey!
I am almost half way there which is so crazy!
Here are few highlights from our summer vacation....

Our little family

Thanking God every day for this sweet little blessing! 
He hated the beach until our final day of vacation. Imagine that.
Enjoying a day at the water park

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About Me

I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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