Posted by : RunnerBecky Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I honestly don't even know where to start. This is the first time I have been out of bed in 4 days. The stomach flu hit and it hit HARD. After a great week with friends we traveled to Alexander City, AL to have a small reunion with some friends from seminary. We hadn't seen each other since graduation in May so it was a nice treat to enjoy each other's company. We arrived Friday evening for the 24 hour reunion on Lake Martin. We sat around the fire for hours chatting and catching up while all of our kiddos were all nestled snug in their pack and plays. How thankful I am for lots of laughter and great friendships!

Incredibly blessed with wonderful friends. 

Around 3:30AM on Saturday morning ... it happened. The plague. The mother of all stomach viruses hit me and I had no idea what I was in for. Sadly, I spent the next day(the only day with our sweet friends) feeling miserable. Aching all over. Nauseous. I just wanted to be home in my bed. Micah, on the other hand, had a blast! He loved sweet time with his friends.

Asher and Micah playing together

Beautiful Lake Martin

He LOVES to swing and be outside so he loved sweet time with daddy!

Micah loved getting to swing. Notice pants-less Asher in the background. :)

The lake house

He loves Ava-Grace who is two months older than him but kept pointing at him and saying," Baby." Just too stinking cute!

Micah and his friend Ava-Grace. We are working on an arranged marriage here.

Lots of wii and game time. Stacy and I may have played a quick game of Glee karaoke, which she totally creamed me at.

He loves his daddy!

Gearing up for his first boat ride. "Does this life jacket make me look fat?"

It was cold. The life jacket was huge. He reminded me of the kid on A Christmas Story who couldn't put his arms down because of all the clothing layers.

I'm on a boat!
We had a 4 hour drive home late that afternoon and that was probably the worst road trip of my life. I sat in the back seat with little man with a gallon sized Ziploc bag opened, ready to toss my cookies at any moment. Miserable. Just miserable. Stop and go traffic in Birmingham mixed with the smells from chain restaurants on the interstate. Yikes. I don't know if I have ever been so happy to be home, even though I was just as sick.

Roy had to play "mom" for several days and how grateful I am for that. I was in bed. Moaning. Groaning. I am a great nurse, but an awful patient. I HATE being sick. After a trip to the doctor, 2 filled prescriptions, lots of fluids and rest, Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy and several movies, I am happy to say I got out of bed today! ... oh... and I'll probably take a shower! Yipee!

I take health for granted. I forget how needy I am every single day for God's grace and mercy on my health. I think this is one reason why I love to exercise and want to encourage others to do the same. Our health is a precious gift. We must be good stewards of our bodies, the best possible. I doubt I could have prevented getting the stomach flu, but being healthy, eating clean and nutritious foods, and exercising regularly can fight off sickness and disease, I believe.

Don't take your health for granted! Take care of our bodies. Eat well! Exercise! Get up and MOVE!

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I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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