Posted by : RunnerBecky Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's just a sticker, but to me, it is the most coveted sticker I have ever seen... well, maybe the 2nd most behind a 26.2 sticker (marathon distance). It's a 13.1 sticker that I have seen on SUV's all over since we have moved here. It represents the few, the proud, the half marathoners and I cannot wait to get one. To some, it may just be a boring black and white sticker with numbers that some might not even be aware of the significance. To me, it represents the past 4 months. The countless amount of hours I have put into running, cross training, and strength training are represented in that sticker. I have officially crossed over to an official RUNNER and it is a remarkable feeling. I have caught the running bug! I have told Roy from the start that if and when I complete my very first half marathon, I want to put a 13.1 sticker on my car to put myself in the "runner" category. No, I don't have a Honda Pilot or Lexus SUV, which are the cars I usually see these stickers on. (You can so tell the types of women who are runners) I will gladly place my sticker on my 1998 Pontiac Sunfire and tell the world that I did it! Oh, there is a stigma that goes along with the sticker. I tried to buy one last week to have it to put on my car immediately after the race, but the lady at the register told me that getting a sticker before you actually finish the race is kind of like Murphy's Law... what can go wrong will. She told me that it is a kind of superstition and some believe it is seriously BAD LUCK to get it before hand. Needless to say, we walked away empty handed but will gladly make a stop by the Track Shack post race to pick up my prize!

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I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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