Posted by : RunnerBecky Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Where has the time gone?

It seems like YESTERDAY my little guy was like this:

and how he is a little boy!

It does make my heart a little sad to see my baby growing up, but he has added so much joy to our lives. He is growing and changing and it really is a delight to watch him at this stage.

What does an 18 month old eat for dinner?

Well, tonight I gave him whole wheat pasta with broccoli and roasted red peppers with some fruit.

The fruit was devoured in 2.5 seconds. This kid can put away some food. I can't even imagine what he will be like as a teenager.

What a blessing!

We are so thankful for this precious boy.

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. My baby is now 2 1/2 and you're right, it is sad to see them grow up, but I am just loving this time with him! He is just a little man now with all this personality...I just love it!

  2. Every stage is an adventure and a blessing!


About Me

I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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