Posted by : RunnerBecky
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Here I am at 11 weeks and 2 days.
I felt well enough to attend worship this morning and it was the first time in a while I'd worn anything other than yoga pants. I figured I'd snap a pic for you. Not much of a belly yet, but it is coming.
Today was our church's annual church picnic at our local lake. We moved to Mississippi last September so this was our first time partaking in the picnic. One thing we love and have missed about the South: church suppers!
You can't beat it.
The lake it like a mini water park. It is awesome!
There are slides, diving boards, basketball hoops, etc.
Our little guy wasn't too fond of it today. It is new so it will take him some time to get used to it.
We are excited to spend lots of summer days here!
We didn't swim, but we did enjoy a yummy potluck dinner.
Little man is ready to play!
This pregnant lady didn't hold back. Little buddy ate off of my plate and he got his fill for sure.
I am the only human being that doesn't eat watermelon (true story), but I'm glad my sweet boy loves it. I wish I did!
So incredibly thankful for a wonderful church family and a beautiful day for fellowship.
One cool dude.
After supper we had a time of worship with some of my favorite hymns.
They are old hymns set to new music.
Indelible Grace has done an awesome job of setting these beautiful hymns to more familiar tunes.
I highly recommend their music. Check them out here!
M danced the entire time. He loved the music.
After worship our pastor preached from 1 John. I was chasing a toddler around most of the time, but I caught the main point of his message.
Since we were all enjoying an afternoon of fellowship he talked about the importance of true fellowship: engaging in spiritual conversation with one another, encouraging each other, praying with and for one another. Not just spending time with the people of your church body but doing life with them.
I was definitely encouraged and challenged.
God is so good!
Enjoy your week!
How was your Sunday afternoon?
Looks like such a great time!! And you have absolutely NO belly yet at all :)