Posted by : RunnerBecky Sunday, February 2, 2014

Business has picked up in our house since the arrival of our baby girl. Blogging has taken a back seat but as I am easing my way into the fitness world I hope to make more entries. 

Baby girl will be 5 weeks tomorrow!

She is a great eater and sleeper! I am so thankful. She is really growing and changing. She is a precious addition to our family and we just love her to pieces.

It has been cold here in Mississippi. Last week was FREEZING and we even got a little dusting of snow.

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The cold temperatures left us indoors most of the week and even though I haven't exactly been medically cleared to exercise by my doctor I have been feeling well enough to ease into it. 

Enter:   Zumba.

Zumba has been a wonderful outlet for me. It gets this stay at home mom out and around a fun group of ladies. I took two classes last week and am slowly trying to get back in shape. Ok, confession, I have hit the ground running! This baby weight has GOT TO GO.

With TWO babies now-

My heart is full!

-life has become quite a bit more hectic . I am up feeding throughout the night and chasing a 2 year old during the day. If I am going to eat healthy and get workouts in I am going to have to plan. 

I hate meal planning. Hate. It. It stresses me out and sometimes I have to eat in a hurry         ( Example: A slice of pizza on the bathroom floor while my son is bathing and my daughter is sitting in her bouncy seat. Totally happened 20 minutes ago) and what is quick and easy isn't always healthy (the pizza). 

So this afternoon I squeeze in an hour at the gym while the babies were napping and my husband was able to work on his sermon for night church at home. Before I left I was able to come up with goals and workouts for the week. I hope to be able to pass on my workout and meals as much as I can. I will be 5 weeks postpartum tomorrow and have 18 lbs. of baby weight to lose ( and hopefully a few more!) 

Long story short, here was today's workout (TWO):

1/2  mile run

Arm machines at gym x 2 sets

Circuit (x 3 sets):

1 minute of jumping jacks

1 minute of high knees

1 minute of burpees (kill me now!)

10 pushups

25 situps

30 second plank

I blasted 433 calories! :) 

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My goals this week are to:

Build up to 1 mile without stopping (so humbling after running 3 half marathons!)

Burn 3,500 calories working out (burning a ton nursing too!)

It feels good to sweat again. The running will come back slowly. I am really easing back into it. My last run was in April so I know with all my body has been through in the last 9 months I just need to take it day by day. I hope to increase mileage enough to run a few races this spring. 

Ok, now to catch up on Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey > The Super Bowl 

Keep checking back for my progress!!

Anyone else on this "shed the baby weight" journey??

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About Me

I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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