Posted by : RunnerBecky Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday's Workout

Taught 2 Zumba classes  105 minutes total

4 mile TM run  1.0 incline   34:24 (8:25 pace)


I taught two Zumba classes yesterday (which = a mega sweat fest!) and ran home to whip up dinner for the hubs and my little one. I cooked some chicken with light olive oil on the stove and did the same with the zucchini and squash. It was delish! I added some black eyed peas too... oh, and sweet tea. I don't sweeten my tea very much, just enough. This is the south after all.

I need to be logging miles like no one's business so I decided to watch The Biggest Loser on the treadmill once I put little man down for the night. I had to wait 10 minutes for an available treadmill so I got an easy mile in on the elliptical machine before it was my turn to take on the treadmill.

Grilled chicken, zucchini, squash, and black eyed peas. Delicious!

The reality that I run a half marathon NEXT month is sinking in, hence the running everyday no matter what panic mode that I am in. I love running on the treadmill! Most people think BLEH!, really? I do though. I can set my pace, work on inclines, and watch a little telly while I'm at it. It works for me, but not for my feet it seems. Back in the fall I thought I had turf toe. Come to find out the treadmill is the culprit. I don't know what the deal is but after 3 days, 3 treadmill runs, and 13 miles I can tell it is the treadmill that hurts my toes. Boo!

 I hate running outside, well, I hate running outside when you don't have a running path, trail, track, or loop. That is my current situation. I don't want to run through neighborhoods and get chase by dogs. (Has happened way too many times!) I don't want to try to run through town and have people look at you like you have 3 heads (people in small towns have no idea what to do with pedestrians). I am missing Lake Baldwin like you wouldn't believe!

Hopefully I will finally learn, after 6 months, how to run without the luxuries of a running trail or lake or track! Anything. For the sake of my feet I need to be running outside, which really makes me want one of these babies.... a Garmin! If only I had $165 to blow.
Garmin Forerunner 110 Sports Watch - Black
Photo courtesy of

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About Me

I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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