Posted by : RunnerBecky Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My little guy is napping and I've already done about 3 loads of laundry, put dishes away, and hopped in the shower. (insert happy dance!)

Now, I am lying(laying?) in bed feeling sorry for myself. Pathetic, I know.

I miss exercising. I know how this first trimester and honestly this entire pregnancy goes. I won't have much energy. I will easily get out of breath. Putting forth much effort will make me queasy. 

I was really hoping to make it to Zumba today, just to get moving, out of the house, and around my friends. I don't think it is happening and I need to give myself some grace for these moments of weakness.

It is a selfless time in my life and I knew that before the Lord blessed us with this pregnancy.

Still, it is hard. For someone like me who loves the fitness world it is incredibly difficult to sit on the sidelines.

I watched my husband run a 5K this weekend and wanted to badly for my feet to be hitting the pavement too. A few people commented that I should walk the 5K. I'm even too sick to do that. :(

I know that, Lord willing, I will be back to normal 6 weeks post baby, but for the time being I am pretending to still be in the fitness world.

I am reading "Born to Run."

I am reading the many fitness magazines that come in the mail for me each month, pretending I can whip up the recipes and try out the new strength training moves.

I am living vicariously through the many fitness bloggers I enjoy reading. 

I watch, yes watch, fitness videos online.

I am thankful. I most certainly am. I am thankful for a season of life to have the Lord knit together this precious life within in me. Forgive my selfishness for complaining of how to takes me out of the race for a bit. I know this too shall pass.

Could you do me a favor?

Go enjoy an awesome, sweaty, exhausting workout for me!!

If I could, I would be right there with you!!

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. I know it's so frustrating but I know you're so thankful and what's important is you're doing what's right for you and that precious little one inside :)


About Me

I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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