Posted by : RunnerBecky Friday, February 22, 2013

As I am writing you I just downed a cold slice of leftover pizza and a handful of Starburst jellybeans. My typical garb is yoga pants and a t-shirt because I am covered in spit up and possibly poop. Hey, I am a mom and this is real life. If has been that kind of morning.

I realize too much time has passed since my last post but this past week has been a doozie!

So long, television!

Monday morning of LAST week our TV just up and died. Why yes, that would be the same TV I purchased less than 6 months ago. Thankfully I also purchased a 2 year extended warranty so it should be replaced very soon. Yay me! We waited a week for the TV company to ship us an empty box so we could return it.The UPS man delivered the 32' flat screen box to our house and with a confused look on his face said," I think it is empty." Right you are my good man! Right you are. You'll be delivering the same box soon and this time it won't be so empty.

 11 days later we are still without it but it has proven to be a great 2 weeks without it. Yes, you too can survive without it. We lived without cable for 3 years. :) 

DVR: both a blessing and a curse
We are still quite new to the DVR world and this little red light means all of our beloved weekly episodes of Downton Abbey, The Office, Modern Family, and reruns of Friends are still recording away. It will take months for us to catch up.

Our office for the day: the dining room table

Valentine's Day was far from romantic and was a reminder of how different our lives as a married couple with a little rugrat really is. Our poor little man had pink eye and a nasty cold which resulted in the hubby making a pediatrician run while I taught my Zumba classes at the gym.

Roy has already purchased two filet minions and asparagus to grill but after a long day with a sick baby all I wanted was pizza. Pizza Hut on Valentine's Day it was!

Because our little guy was sick, my hubby opted to work from home on Friday. We were putting binders together for his communicants class at church. How romantic. 

Watching Baby Einstein. Poor buddy had pink eye. 

 This week we were blessed to host dear seminary friends and their 4 children. It was a fun and busy week for us!

Eyes glued to Diego on the iPad.  Micah thought he was a big boy!
 With all of the events this week I haven't been able to long ANY miles! I taught my 5 weekly Zumba Fitness classes but no strength training or running. I'll hop to it and get back on board next week. For now, I need to get this little boy healthy again and regroup from a fun week!

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I'm a proud wife and mother to a precious 2 year old boy and baby girl ( Born December '13) and a lover of all things health and fitness. I am a Florida native living in small town Mississippi. I hope you will be encouraged and motivated on your fitness journey or if you are just getting started, Welcome Aboard!

Happy Running,

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